Yes, there are hundreds of books on parenting…with content usually directed towards mothers. What about us dads? Try searching Google for “parenting for mothers” and 156 pages results pop up. Even doctors and child development experts focus their advice for moms. This blog is to serve every parent (okay, mainly us men), written by 2 new fathers who are trying to keep all of the info out there in bookstores and cyberspace in check. We are not experts, but our kids think we are the kings of the world. Enjoy!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Holy Crap! That's my child!

Yeah, it has been one of those months where the kid is changing daily (and turning into "Dora the Explorer" and Dad and Mom into their personal assistants, hence the break in posts). Every other day you seem to notice a change or something new your child can do. Sometimes as a working husband/father, being away from your child for periods of time longer than 8 hours, can happen. It is that moment that you realize your priorities and what is truly important.

Nothing beats watching your child grow and develop into a little person. Their laugh, demeanor, their love of food, and then you realize that they are turning into you. Everything you do and say they are absorbing into to their super sponge minds. What can be more rewarding than being part of shaping a life from the ground up!

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